Where to Get Rid of Used Motor Oil in Omaha Ne

Household Hazardous Waste

Many household products contain chemicals that can be hazardous to you, your family, and the environment if not handled properly. These items are considered household hazardous waste (HHW) and are usually labeled with words like caution, warning, danger, poison, flammable, volatile, caustic, or corrosive.

Common HHW products include cleaners, paints, automotive products, pesticides, and garden products.

How Can I Dispose of HHW?

UnderTheSink is a special waste facility that has trained technicians on-site to collect HHW for appropriate disposal and recycling. UnderTheSink accepts HHW at no cost from Douglas & Sarpy County residents. The facility is located at 4001 South 120th Street.

It is open year-round according to the following schedule:

  • Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
  • Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 6:15 p.m.
  • Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:45p.m.
  • Saturday by appointment only

Hours are subject to change and residents are always encouraged to call (402-444-7465) prior to visiting the facility.

Note that UnderTheSink can only accept household waste. Material that is related to a business, even a home-based business, will not be accepted.

What Items are accepted and not accepted at UnderTheSink?

Items Accepted:

  • Automotive batteries & products (e.g., motor oil)
  • Paint, stain, and varnish
  • Syringes/lancets to control medical symptoms (placed in a sealed plastic bottle)
  • Pesticides
  • Garden chemicals
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Poisons for pests
  • Cleaning products
  • Fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs & tubes)
  • For a complete list, visit UnderTheSink.org.

Items NOT Accepted:

  • Waste generated by businesses
  • Ammunition/explosives
  • Appliances & electronics
  • Asbestos
  • Carpet pad
  • Infectious waste
  • Medications
  • Propane tanks (20 pounds or larger)
  • Radioactive material
  • Single-use/non-rechargeable batteries
  • Smoke detectors
  • Tires
  • Wood
  • UnderTheSink does NOT accept empty containers that previously held HHW. After triple rinsing empty containers, you can place them in your curbside recycling bin or take them to a recycling drop-off center.

Unsure if your waste will be accepted? Call 402-444-7465 prior to visiting the facility.

Preparing to Use UnderTheSink

Follow these recommendations when packaging and transporting your items:

  • Use Original Containers.
  • Clearly Label. Add a handwritten label to unmarked containers with the name of the product if known.
  • Tighten Lids. If missing a lid, pour the chemical into a replacement container made out of the same material as the original package (e.g., metal or plastic) and label it with the name of the product. Attach the empty, original container to the replacement container.
  • Place in a Box. Ensure containers remain upright in a box and line it with plastic or newspaper.
  • Prevent Leaks. Put leaking or damaged containers inside a heavy plastic bag (one bag per leaky container). Then place bags in a plastic bucket or tub.
  • Do Not Mix. Combining chemicals is dangerous.
  • Go Directly to the Facility. Do not leave HHW in your vehicle while completing other errands.

If you do not follow preparation steps carefully, your products may not be accepted at UnderTheSink.

How To Use UnderTheSink

You've arrived at UnderTheSink, now what? Follow these three steps or watch the video below to understand what you can expect when you use UnderTheSink.

  1. At the facility, follow the directional signs and park under the yellow canopy.
  2. For safety reasons, do not get out of your vehicle. Wait for a staff member to assist you.
  3. Complete a brief form while staff unload the chemicals from your vehicle. You may be asked to show proof of residence.

What happens to the materials you drop off?

The majority of the chemicals dropped off at UnderTheSink are either recycled or reused. While you're there, check out the ReStore located inside. It's stocked with reclaimed products for Douglas & Sarpy County residents to use at no cost.

Additional Resources

Where to Get Rid of Used Motor Oil in Omaha Ne

Source: https://www.keepomahabeautiful.org/resources/household_hazardous_waste.html

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